
The great compromise…

One of my greatest hurdles in my journey to wellness and putting healthy food into my body………… my husband.  He’s picky and stubborn (sorry – love you honey 😉 ) and anything that is “healthy” is “gross”.  I will give him some credit – he’s come a long way in these last 2ish months that I’ve been really made significant changes…. but he’s also the first one to say “let’s get chinese” – which let’s face it, for what I want to put into my body, that is not it.

So when I am meal planning (which by the way I loathe doing) – I try to think of ways that we both can enjoy foods that we’ve always eaten but in new ways.
So last night… hamburgers. 🙂

I am not eating any grains or processed foods or sugars… so the traditional hamburger is not an option.  I got organic ground beef and all the fixin’s for a hamburger salad for me and my hubby got his traditional burger. Eventually I want him to be willing to eat the same way I am – but I’m taking baby steps with him 😉  My salad was so yummy I wish I had made an extra burger to have for lunch today! 🙂

Check out the recipe below for this hamburger salad…



Hamburger Salad

Salad Ingredients:
Organic Ground Beef
Romaine Lettuce
Cherry Tomatoes
Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Bell Peppers

Dressing Ingredients:
1 Tablespoon Local Honey
2 Tablespoons Mustard
1/2 Cup Sour Cream

  1. Mix the dressing ingredients above and place in the refrigerator.
  2. Wash & cut your romaine, tomatoes, and bell peppers.
  3. Pat out your ground beef into burgers.
  4. Grill or cook in a pan with no added oil or grease.
  5. Cook to your preferred color/ temperature.
  6. Place romaine, tomatoes, bell peppers into your bowl (and add any other vegetables you’d like – mushrooms would be really tasty! as many veggies as you want – you can’t go wrong)  – then top with burger and cheese.
  7. Drizzle the dressing over salad and enjoy! 🙂

{You won’t use all of the dressing – so you’ll definitely have some leftovers to use the next day 😉 }


Share with me your version of this yummy salad 🙂

8 thoughts on “The great compromise…

    1. Exactly Misti! It’s not easy.
      I first did a 10 day detox where I basically only ate meats and veggies and nuts. Cut out everything. After that 10 days I knew that this was the right path. And I had the awareness to how much happier my body was. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Aw well thanks! I’m still on my journey 🙂 If you ever want to chat more about it, just let me know! I’d be happy to make us a lunch one day and you can come over and we can talk 🙂


  2. I was your husband. I remember my partner complaining to the dr because I would only eat salads with iceberg lettuce and cheese. She said, “Let her do it. It will come over time.” She was right. There are still certain things I will not eat but I am eating so much more than I ever would have before. Don’t push to hard but keep offering choices. It took me YEARS to get to this point. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! Appreciate the perspective. I know how hard it’s been for me to get where I am – and my husband is far more “addicted” to foods than I ever was. I know in time he’ll come around – until then I compromise and I continue on my journey 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You know I’m with you! Google cauliflower fried rice, there are a bunch of variations, plus you can make your own. The one I made was wonderful, and really satisfied my Asian craving.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have seen those recipes – haven’t been brave enough to try any yet. Lol
      Plus I’m not the one who craves it allllll the time – but Abe definitely does! Almost a little worried making something Asian inspired will make him want it more lol 😂


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